For outdoor fun in the Inland Empire, Central Mega Pawn has the equipment you need!
Central Mega Pawn should be your one-stop-shop when you are getting ready for your outdoor activities. Regardless of the type of outdoor activities you and your family enjoy, be it camping, hiking, or even just some time spent in the backyard, we have your next piece of equipment that will make it a time to remember. Come see why we’re quickly becoming the Inland Empire’s next favorite place to stock up on outdoor activities gear.
What kind of outdoor activities equipment can you find at Central Mega Pawn?
We have almost everything for all kinds of activities. If you are looking for that perfect piece of equipment that will enhance your outdoor fun all year long, you’ve come to the right place. We buy and stock outdoor activities gear of all kinds and for activities in all seasons.
We always have a great selection of things like:
- Outdoor games: cornhole sets, badminton sets, sports balls and more
- Camping gear: tents, tent spikes, binoculars coolers
- Fishing gear: rods, reels, nets
- Bicycles: all styles and sizes
- Gym equipment: gear that you can use outside, like free weights and resistance bands
- Cameras: why not go on a photo safari? We have cameras of all types and in every price range
- And more!

Invest in high-quality used equipment at Central Mega Pawn
Why is it a good idea to buy used outdoor activities equipment? Brand new outdoor activities equipment can be very expensive – smart buyers know that they can avoid high retail-mark up by buying used.
But, where to find the best and most reliable used gear? Thankfully, when you buy from Central Mega Pawn, you know that we only buy outdoor activities equipment in good condition. You will be able to thoroughly examine any item you are interested in, and even negotiate on the price.
Why should I buy outdoor activities equipment at Central Mega Pawn?
If you do comparison shopping, you will see that buying your outdoor activities equipment at Central Mega Pawn is the smart move. The outdoor activities experts at our shop will be happy to answer all of your questions and help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
Central Mega Pawn is dedicated to becoming your local resource for expert guidance on buying gently used outdoor activities equipment of all kinds.
Additionally, we are held to a high standard and are fully compliant with all California regulations. We take customer safety and satisfaction seriously.
If you live in or near Ontario or in any of the surrounding communities that make up the Inland Empire, visit Central Mega Pawn today to let us show you why we should be your #1 resource for all your outdoor activities equipment needs!
Cities we serve
Contact Info
11031 S Central Ave, Ontario
(909) 590-7075