
When it comes to buying and selling collectibles, few other items are as confusing as comic books. Regardless of if you are looking for a particular comic to add to your collection or gift to a fellow collector, or if you have comic books that you want to sell, you face a ton of options. One under-appreciated option right in your community may be your local pawnshop.

If you have reservations about buying or selling comic books at your local pawn shop, don’t worry! At Central Mega Pawn, we have lots of experience buying and selling comic books and are happy to share our knowledge with you. Keep reading for more info on which pawn shops buy or sell comic books and how to get the most value for your money or your comics.

Do pawn shops even deal with comic books?

If you have ever wondered if your local pawn shop can be a resource for you in your quest to buy or sell comic books, we are happy to say that, yes, most of them do! However, it is helpful to keep in mind that pawn shops are unique in that every shop is a reflection of the community it serves.

For example, in areas where activities like hunting and fishing are popular, you can expect to find lots of related equipment at your local pawn shop, and therefore have your pick of high-quality used items like rods or duck calls. However, in that same area, you might be hard-pressed to find things like laptop computers or video game consoles.

That’s not to say that you would never find seemingly out-of-place items in a pawn shop. Still, because pawn shops must make a profit on every item in their store in order to survive, every pawnbroker must consider the needs and interests of its community before deciding to buy an item.

All of this boils down to the fact while most pawn shops will buy or sell pretty much anything of value, the local demand for a particular item will determine if a pawn shop will be interested in buying comic books or if they will have many comic books to offer for sale.

A good way to determine if your local pawn shop may have comic books to sell or if they would be interested in buying comic books is simply calling, visiting them, or visiting their online store if they are savvy enough to have one.

How and why to buy and sell comic books at a pawn shop


For most other collectors, posting their comic books online at auction sites or collectors’ forums is the most popular way to sell their collection. But it comes with many hassles and annoyances as well. For one, auction sites can be risky when it comes to getting the most value for your comics. Starting an auction at the wrong time or choosing inappropriate categories can result in getting a heartbreakingly low amount for your comic books.

Not to mention, once your comics have sold, you must then safely pack it up for shipment, insure the package, then send it off. All the while, you still have not been paid. You must wait until the package is received and the buyer is happy; if your buyer suddenly discovers or invents a problem with your comics, or even worse, claims they never arrived, you are out of luck.

And this is all before the auction site, or web forum will release your money. If you are fortunate and the transaction goes off without a hitch, you will then wait several days to receive your money electronically. You never get cash in hand to replace your comic books.

Selling comic books at your local pawn shop is hands down, the fastest way to get paid for your comic books. You will get cash in hand in mere minutes.

So how to sell your comic books at your local pawnshop?

You should approach selling your comic books at a pawn shop like you would with any other knowledgeable buyer. Meaning, be organized and present your comic books in the best way possible.

Also, do your homework before attempting to sell. Even if you have a general idea of what your comics are worth, valuation changes. Take a look at recent sales of the same comic to get an idea of what you might expect.

Speaking of expectations, have reasonable ones when you sell your comic books at your local pawn shop. No matter the comic’s sentimental value to you, you can expect around 40-60% of its current book value.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Your local pawnbroker is mainly interested in working out a fair deal for everyone, unlike your fellow collectors.


When it comes to buying comic books, comic book fans and collectors are lucky because they already come armed with knowledge that may help them. For example, you likely already know what you are looking for. You know what brands, universes, and characters you enjoy and will not buy something you do not wish to have. Additionally, you probably also know more than the average person about a fair price considering the comic’s condition.

All of this adds up to you being able to spot the right comic when you see it. As with selling comic books at your local pawnshop, your experience buying comic books will be significantly enhanced by educating yourself on current value and being willing to negotiate to find terms that work for both sides. Be patient and respectful, and you may find yourself with some great new additions to your collection at unbelievable prices.

Buying and selling comic books can be a fun and enjoyable experience when you work with professionals like the ones you will find at Central Mega Pawn! If you live in or near Southern California’s Inland Empire, visit us at our shop or our online store to see how we can help you meet your collecting goals!