
Chanel bags are more than just beautiful handbags. They are statement pieces, and for many collectors, a bona fide investment. Most Chanel bags increase in value over time. In fact, they are often recognized as the leading designer handbag, worth their investment. Ranging in price from $2,000 to more than $200,000, authentic Chanel handbags are hot ticket items at some pawnshops. While pawnshops in the middle of the country may not buy and sell these high-price items, in markets such as Southern California, where pawnbrokers have access to inventory from the local community, pawnshops do buy and sell authentic Chanel handbags.

Why Shop for Designer Bags at Pawn Shops

A pawn shop may not be the first place that comes to mind when you’re thinking of treating yourself or a loved one to a luxury item. Here are the reasons why they should be the first place you shop when looking for a designer item.

1. Authentic Handbags are Cheaper at Pawn Shops

No matter what type of designer item you’re looking for, you’ll always pay a fraction of the full retail value. It is quite common to save 30%-50% on designer products.

2. Pawnshops May Carry Limited Edition, Rare Items

Because pawn shops get their inventory from their community, you never know what someone may bring in to sell. From vintage Chanel handbags to rare Swiss watches, to ancient coins for a collection, pawnshops don’t go to trade shows or buyer’s markets. They buy from their customers which means the inventory can come from virtually anywhere in the world. This also means that the inventory of designer items is turning over constantly. What you see in the shop on a Monday is unlikely to be what you see in the shop the following week.

3. Pawnshops are Easier on the Environment

It may be surprising to learn that pawnshops are more eco-friendly than traditional retailers. The inventory is hand-delivered to pawnshops, rather than boxed, wrapped, and shipped from across the country or world. Pawn shops are in the business of resale, so there is no further environmental impact from production or manufacturing, which can lead to pollution.

4. Reputable pawn shops will only sell authentic items

Pawn shops that want to stay in business will avoid selling fake items. The reason? Just like any other business, pawnbrokers want repeat customers and good word-of-mouth reviews. Tricking customers will only create a bad reputation, so honest pawnshops will avoid all knockoffs.

How to Know a Chanel Handbag is Authentic

When you’re looking for a Chanel handbag, it’s smart to include pawnshops as a potential source. Pawnshops offer significant savings on luxury items including watches, jewelry, and high-end handbags. However, you need to be smart about where you shop. You should also know what to look for when shopping for an expensive handbag. After all, there are countless knockoffs out there, and you don’t want to be fooled.

Established and successful pawn shops will employ people who know exactly what to look for to confirm that an item is authentic. When it comes to Chanel, there are many things shops will look for, to verify that the bag is authentic.


A telltale sign that a supposed Chanel bag is a knockoff is misaligned quilting. Chanel bags are known for their incredible quilted patterns which come in chevron, square, and diamond. On authentic Chanel bags, the quilting will always align perfectly. If the alignment is mismatched on the flap, or near a pocket, it is likely a fake.

Serial Numbers

Chanel uses either 6, 7, or 8 numbers in their serial numbers. Knock-off bags typically have an “authentication card” but, the serial number is often 9 or more numbers.

Lightweight Chain Straps

Another red flag that a Chanel bag is not authentic can be found in the straps. The signature chain that has been used in Chanel bags for decades is heavy. Those that have lightweight chains are not authentic.

Stitch Counts

On authentic Chanel quilted bags, each panel will have more than 8 stitches. Chanel insists on bags that do not bulge, so they use a high stitch count per panel. When looking for signs of authenticity, pawnbrokers know that less than eight stitches are a giveaway that the bag is a fake.


Chanel’s overlapping C-logo is one of the most recognized logos in the world. Known as the CC lock, this logo should always be straight and spaced evenly. The upper portion of the right C will overlap the upper left C. The left C will overlap the right C on the bottom. If the Cs overlap differently the bag is not authentic.

Bulges or Bumps

Chanel bags are known for being smooth and free of bumps or bulges. Any bulging on a bag will be a sign that the bag is fake. On the inside of the bag, the liner should be taught. Loose or sagging lining is common in knockoffs.

Upright Position

The premium design and production of Chanel bags mean that they will stand upright on their own. If you find a bag that is reported to be a Chanel, but it won’t stand properly, or it leans, it is a fake.

Authentic Chanel Handbags in the Inland Empire

Central Mega Pawn is a top-rated pawn shop in the Inland Empire. With a 4.9-star rating on Google, we aim to provide a premium customer experience at our pawn shop. In addition to buying and selling authentic Chanel handbags at our shop in Ontario, we also buy and sell handbags from other luxury designers such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Yves Saint Laurent, Fendi Chloe, Dior, Prada, and others.

As a locally owned and operated business, we serve Ontario, Pomona, Upland, and surrounding communities from our store located at 11031 Central Avenue, in Ontario. For your convenience, Central Mega Pawn is open seven days a week until 6 pm. We also list many of our items in our online store that you may shop 24/7.